Contact Information

Room 422, Wilson Hall
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN 37240

Lab Phone: (615) 322-2835

Curriculum Vitae

Quick Bio

I am interested in studying the neural mechanisms underlying visual attention and how these processes unfold in naturalistic contexts. I graduated from the University of Virginia with a major in Neuroscience. Afterwards, I worked as a lab manager for Dr. Julie Golomb at Ohio State University, where I studied the consequences of distraction on visual perception and attentional filtering. My current work focuses on the relationship between eye movements and object-based attention. My hobbies include reading and playing tennis.


Dube, B., Pidaparthi, L., and Golomb, J.D. (2022). Visual distraction disrupts category-tuned attentional filters in ventral visual cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-13.

Journal Link