Rebecca St.Clair
Curriculum Vitae [ download: PDF, 60kb ]


    My research investigates how motion information is used to keep track of moving objects.  When an object moves, we shift our attention to the object's new location.  How does attention move?  It's possible that we use information about the object's trajectory to predict where the object will be in the future and shift our attention to the predicted location.  Motion information may also be crucial to our ability to keep track of several moving objects simultaneously.

I use a combination of behavioral paradigms to examine how motion is used to keep track of moving objects.  I have used several different stimulus types including second order motion and apparent motion to examine this question.  I hope that by examining how motion is used to keep track of moving objects we will gain a better understanding of the mechanism used to move attention.



Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN, Ph.D. in Psychology, 2012

    Advisor: Adriane Seiffert, Ph.D

University of Chicago, Chicago IL, B.A. in Psychology, 2007

    Advisor: Steven K. Shevell, Ph.D

    Thesis: The Role of Binocular Rivalry in Afterimage Strength and Formation


St. Clair, R. L., Huff, M. & Seiffert, A. E. (2010). Conflicting motion information impairs multiple object tracking. Journal of Vision, 10(4), doi: 10.1167/10.4.18.

Shevell, S.K., St.Clair, R., Hong, S.W. (2008). Misbinding of color to form in afterimages. Visual Neuroscience, 25, 355-360, doi:10.1017/S0952523808080085

Abstracts and Posters

St.Clair, R., & Seiffert, A. E. (2011). Misrepresentation of motion direction causes prediction errors in multiple object tracking [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 11(11): 291, 291a,, doi:10.1167/11.11.291.

St.Clair, R., & Seiffert, A. E. (2011). Misrepresentation of motion direction causes prediction errors in multiple object tracking [Poster at VSS].

St.Clair, R., & Seiffert, A. E. (2009). Tracking objects with moving textures [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 9(8):245, 245a,, doi:10.1167/9.8.245.

St.Clair, R., Hong, S. W., & Shevell, S. (2008). Misbinding of color to form in afterimages follows from a persisting binocular neural representation [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 8(6):245, 245a,, doi:10.1167/8.6.245.

St.Clair, R., Hong, S. W., & Shevell, S. (2007). Misbinding of color to form in afterimages [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 7(9):366, 366a,, doi:10.1167/7.9.366.

Research Experience

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Prof. Adriane Seiffert

- Conduct experiments examining how motion and surface order are represented in the visual system.
- Program experiments using Matlab.
- Operate the ASL Eyetracker.
- Data analysis using Microsoft Excel, Matlab, and SPSS.

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Prof. Steven Shevell

- The project examined the possible relationship between changing perception during binocular rivalry and the perception of subsequent afterimages.
- Test human color vision and determine individual luminance values.
- Design and conduct a binocular rivalry experiment.
- Data analysis using Microsoft Excel.

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Prof. Tatiana Pasternak

- The project examined the possible involvement of primate prefrontal cortex in alternate representations of visual stimuli in relation to changing task demands.
- Train non-human primates in a memory for visual motion task.
- Aid in extracellular recordings in awake behaving monkeys from single neurons in prefrontal cortex.
- Use Matlab for data analysis and some programming.

Teaching Experience

Fall 2009 - Present - Teaching Assistant, Vanderbilt University
Quantitative Methods
Graded homework and exams, led review sessions, guest lectured, led SPSS lab sections.

Fall 2009 - Teaching Assistant, Vanderbilt University
Human Sexuality
Wrote and graded exams, led review sessions.

Spring 2008 - Teaching Assistant, Vanderbilt University
Social Psychology
Graded exams and papers, wrote exam questions, led review sessions.

Fall 2008 - Teaching Assistant, Vanderbilt University
Introduction to Psychology
Graded exams and papers, wrote exam questions, led review sessions.


2010 - William F. Hodges Teaching Assistant Award
2003/7 - University of Chicago Grant
2005/6 - University of Chicago Dean's List
2006 - University of Rochester Center for Visual Science Undergraduate Summer Fellowship
2006 - University of Rochester Center for Visual Science Undergraduate Summer Fellowship
2006 - University of Oklahoma Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Fellowship (declined for University of Rochester fellowship
2006 - University of Chicago Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship (declined for University of Rochester fellowship)
2006 - University of Chicago Travel Grant

Memberships in Professional and Organizational Activities

Psi Chi (2006 - present)

Society for Neuroscience (2006 - present)

Vision Sciences Society (2006 - present)

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