fMRI Recruitment Information

Interested in participating in our functional MRI (fMRI) study of the human visual system? Please see below...

Your participation in this study will help us understand how the human visual system processes visual information to enable our ability to see and gain insights into how we perceive and navigate the visual world!

About the study

• This 2-hour study will use cutting-edge fMRI technology to delve into how the human brain perceives and recognizes visual images

• You will be shown images of simple patterns, colors, faces, objects, scenes, and/or dynamic movies while lying in the MRI scanner

• You will typically be required to perform a visual-cognitive task while viewing the images; each task lasts about 4-6 minutes with short breaks in between

• MRI scanning will take place at the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science

Eligibility criteria

• Above the age of 18

• No history of neurological disorders or visual disorders (e.g., strabismus, amblyopia)

• Do not require glasses to read (contact lenses are ok)

• No metal in the body (and any piercings are removable)

• No claustrophobia

• No chance of being pregnant currently


• Participant compensation is $30/hour or $70 for a full fMRI session (2 hrs scanning plus ~20min of instruction, set-up, and wrap-up time)

• Upon request, you can receive a 3D digital model of your brain, which you can get 3D printed on your own accord (i.e., we do not provide printing services)

• On rare occasions, the 3D model may fail to generate. If so, you can still receive 2D images of your brain

To sign-up for an fMRI study, please send an email indicating your interest here.

Note that additional screening questions may be asked to ensure that you qualify for the study.