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2008 Catalyst for a Cure/Glaucoma Research Foundation

5/4/2013 “Eye on Vision” interview

WYPL-FM 89.3 (Memphis, TN)

6/15/2013 Ocular Research Symposia Foundation (ORSF) Symposium Profile

2013 Catalyst for a Cure Research Progress

2/27/2015 “The visual brain in glaucoma and other optic neuropathies”

10/14/2016 “Eye on Vision” interview

WYPL-FM 89.3 (Memphis, TN)

2/3/2017 6th annual Glaucoma 360 New Horizons Forum featuring David J. Calkins, PhD (Vanderbilt Eye Institute). Dr. Calkins introduced the session "Biomarkers and Drug Discovery: Integrating Therapeutic and Diagnostic Trials" (San Francisco, CA)

A solar eclipse can hurt your eyesight without you knowing it - here's why.

Vanderbilt experts discuss the 2017 solar eclipse

7/1/18 “Eye on Vision” interview

WYPL-FM 89.3 (Memphis, TN)

6/14/19 “Eye on Vision” interview

WYPL-FM 89.3 (Memphis, TN)