Casagrande had a lab

(By Julie Mavity-Hudson  circa 06/2002 to the tune of Old McDonald had a farm)

Casagrande had a lab
& in this lab she had some postdocs
with a postdoc here and a post doc there
here a Gyula there a Yura everywhere a postdoc
Casagrande had a lab

had some Grad students
With Jennifer here and a Xu there
Here a David there a student everywhere a grad student

Had a tech
with a julie here and a julie there
here a tech there a tech everywhere a tech

Had a secretary
with a shirin here and a shirin here
here a secretary there  a secretary everywhere a secretary

Had some workstudies
with a Kelly here and a Debbie there
here a girl there  a girl every year a workstudy

Wrote some papers
with an EM paper here and a feedback paper there
here a Kong paper there an OI paper everywhere a Fred paper

Wrote some grants
with a big grant here and a small grant there
here a big there a small every month a new grant

with a big grant here and a small grant there
here a big there a small every month a new grant

with an EM paper here and a feedback paper there
here a Kong paper there an OI paper everywhere a Fred paper

with a Kelly here and a Debbie there
here a girl there  a girl everyyear a workstudy

with a shirin here and a shirin here
here a secretary there  a secretary everywhere a secretary

with a julie here and a julie there
here a tech there a tech everywhere a tech

With Jennifer here and a Xu there
Here a David there a student everywhere a grad student

with a postdoc here and a post doc there
here a Gyula there a Yura everywhere a postdoc

Casagrande had a lab --LGN V1